Check out UrbanArt Commission's artist workshop series, hear Brennan Villines live in concert, get ready for a month's worth of opera, see Popovich and his pets, and watch a struggling newspaper come back to life all this week. Discover more at ArtsMemphis' event calendar.
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Urban Art Commission
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Urban Art Commission
UAC Artist Workshop Series | Session 1: What is Public Art?
UrbanArt Commission's 5-part, in-person Artist Workshop Series helps Memphis-based artists prepare for public art processes and projects—covering how to start, apply, and succeed! The first session covers the foundational knowledge of public art, like what it looks like and how it functions locally and nationally. Also, Forecast Public Art's Yarlyn Rosario will share her presentation, Public Art 101.
Memphis Music Initiative | Wednesday, March 29

Brennan Villines
Brennan Villines is an accomplished singer-songwriter, classically-trained pianist, international musical director, composer, producer, and actor with strong Memphis roots. Brennan and his band will perform originals and popular favorites with his buttery, soulful vocals for all to enjoy. Say hello at the meet and greet afterward.
Germantown Community Theatre | Friday, March 31

Opera Memphis
It's that fantastic time of the year again! Opera Memphis will deliver a solid month of free outdoor performances throughout the city for thousands of Memphians in hundreds of locations. Locations include Scheidt Family Performing Arts Center, Wiseacre Brewing Company, Arkwings Festival, and Theatre Memphis, among many others.
Multiple Locations | Saturday, April 1

Popovich Comedy Pet Theater
This world-famous performance features a combination of cats, dogs, parrots, and even a miniature horse—all rescued from animal shelters! The unique theatrics of Moscow-born Gregory Popovich and his furry all-stars perform European-style clowning, juggling, balancing acts, and more than you can imagine.
Buckman Performing and Fine Arts Center | Saturday, April 1

Playhouse on the Square
Coming to The Circuit Playhouse is James Graham's Ink, a story about controversial newsman Rupert Murdoch, who purchases a struggling paper, intending to make it a must-read smash with the help of a team of underdog reporters and a rogue editor named Larry Lamb. The race for the most ink is on!
The Circuit Playhouse | Through April 16