photograph by james campbell / unsplash
Friday the 13th Movie Marathon
Black Lodge, 405 N. Cleveland
Friday, May 13, 12:30 p.m.-midnight
Everyone knows that weird things are bound to happen on Fridays that happen to be the 13th of the month. And this Friday the 13th happens to coincide with Frog Jumping Day, the origins of which stem from a short story by Mark Twain, about a man who tricks another man named Jim into betting that his frog can out-jump any other frog. Spoiler: The man pours lead pellets down Jim’s frog when Jim isn’t looking.
Now, why is this association between frogs and an unlucky, blood-thirsty day important to mention? Well, frogs are typically signs of good luck, but in some cases, they are signs of misfortune. (Is that a vague statement? Yes. But that’s also what Google, my go-to source for omens, will tell you.) And, though I’m no fortune teller, I’m willing to bet that when the stars align for Frog Jumping Day, a day born of deceit, and Friday the 13th occurs simultaneously, we are in for another Frog Plague. So, it’s probably best to stay indoors on Friday and curl up to a movie or two or maybe a 12-hour Friday the 13th marathon because ’tis the season, right?
Black Lodge will continuously screen Friday the 13th through Friday the 13th: Part VII, followed by Jason X and Freddy vs. Jason. Drinks and food will be available to purchase; for a full schedule of the free screenings, visit the Lodge’s Facebook.

photograph by ziggy mack
Ballet Memphis, 2144 Madison
Friday-Saturday, May 13-14, 7:30 p.m.-9 p.m.
Like on all unlucky days and weekends, you really gotta be cautious with your movements. No walking under ladders, no stepping on cracks — we can’t have any of that. And if you think that’s impossible to manage, you might want to take a lesson in choreography to help you plan out your movements. And what better way than to observe the best of the best?
This weekend, Ballet Memphis is putting on its annual production of Interiorworks, featuring all-new works choreographed and produced by Ballet Memphis artists within the intimate confines of the Ballet Memphis studios. Tickets can be purchased online or at the door for a suggested donation of $20, which will benefit the Artists’ Resource Fund, which eases financial burdens Ballet Memphis dancers may come across, such as career transition, travel costs (for example, for international dancers to be able to go home), illness or injury, or anything that might create a need.

photograph by james lee / unsplash
Eat This Book
Raleigh Library, 3452 Austin Peay Highway
Saturday, May 14, 11 a.m.-3 p.m.
Yes, it’s true that they say to throw a pinch of salt over your left shoulder to avert evil, especially if you’ve already spilled salt — an act that in itself beckons the devil. And as much as I am anti-evil, that sounds like a waste of salt. Think of all the food that will go unseasoned — that alone sounds like an evil. If you’re interested in putting your salt and other seasonings to good use and are a fan of others who do just that, you’ll want to check out the Eat This Book festival, where the brand-new Raleigh Branch Library will celebrate its cookbook/food culture section of its collection as well as Memphis food culture in general.
The day will include vendor and informational booths, food trucks, children’s activities, live music, and live chef recipe demonstrations and samplings. The last event of the day will be a celebratory dance party, and since this is an event by Memphis Public Libraries, you can also check out and buy some neat books!

photograph courtesy Collage Dance Collective
Brazil by Day
Crosstown Arts at the Concourse, 1350 Concourse
Saturday, May 14, 11 a.m.-3 p.m.
If you’re still in the depths of spring cleaning, be gentle with your brooms this weekend. You see, in Brazil, they say that if your feet get swept over by a broom you’ll remain single for the rest of your life. Don’t worry, you can break the curse by immediately spitting on the broom, but that doesn’t seem to be the most sanitary of ideas. But when in Brazil, am I right? Oh, you thought you were still in Memphis. Oh no, you’d be wrong because Saturday, Collage Dance Collective, Iris Orchestra, and Carpenter Art Garden are all pitching in to turn Crosstown Arts into Brazil.
For this free and family-friendly celebration of Brazil, guests will enjoy fine art, live music, dance performances, Capoeira demonstrations, local cuisine, and so much more.

Becky McDonah (American, b. 1972), Reoccurring Rejuvenation: A Reliquary for the Shower Curtain, Toothbrushes & Dental Floss, 2019. Sterling silver, brass, shower curtain, toothbrushes, dental floss and cutters, glass. Artwork and photo courtesy of the artist.
“Evaluating Essentials” Closing Reception and Artist Talk
Metal Museum, 374 Metal Museum
Sunday, May 15, 3 p.m.-5 p.m.
I’ve never understood why opening umbrellas indoors is bad luck, but I’m keeping my umbrellas closed this weekend and I suggest you do the same. But, sadly, umbrellas aren’t the only things that are closing this weekend.
Yep, the Metal Museum’s “Evaluating Essentials” exhibition is closing — an exhibition that is all about being grateful for your luck and good fortune when you have it, for items that were there for you when you needed them, things like hand sanitizer or toilet paper or toothbrushes. It’s the little things that can make you feel lucky sometimes.
Becky McDonah, the mastermind behind the reliquaries that enshrine these little things, will be giving an artist talk at the closing reception. Register online. Admission is free, but an $8 donation is suggested.