After three failed attempts to buy YoLo frozen yogurt at the University of Memphis, (broken yogurt machine, machine being cleaned, bookstore closed), I finally got a dish of dark chocolate and orange sorbet with waffle cone pieces, mini chocolate chips, peanuts and a sprinkle of M&M's. I ate it while I was walking across the quad, not easy but necessary. I didn't want my yogurt to melt even though I like it a little slurpy.
This week is the grand opening of YoLo on campus, and students are stoked. The self-serve machines are located at the University of Memphis Official Bookstore and Cafe, but don't wait too late. The bookstore closes at 6 p.m. (earlier on Fridays), and employees break down the machines for cleaning about 30 minutes before closing. Happily, YoLo Bakes are available all day, offering a changing selection of cookies and cupcakes. I tried a peanut butter, chocolate chip and coconut combo cookie. It was delicious, both crunchy and crumbly.
Still, the four-flavor yogurt machines are the stars at Bookstore Cafe, says store manager Donna Collier. (That's Donna pictured to the right) "At least 100 students a day are buying YoLo," she says. "I think it's a recognized brand, and it's local. People love that."
For now, the bookstore is offering four YoLo flavors: vanilla bean, dark chocolate, orange sherbet, and birthday cake. There's also caramel and chocolate sauce in those fabulous pump canisters plus toppings. (Favorites so far: Gummi bears, peanuts and waffle cone pieces.) Yogurt flavors will probably change some, based on demand. "So far, the flavor requested the most that isn't here is cheesecake," Collier says.
YoLo comes in three sizes for $3, $5 and $7. Prices include all the toppings you can pile in the container. Collier's suggestion: "Put some toppings in the middle."