Oil Painting by Fagan Carpenter |Sculptural Painting by Jimmy Crosthwait
“Complementary Forces” Opening
Deborah Fagan Carpenter Art Studio
Friday – Saturday, October 20 – 21, 11 a.m. – 5 p.m. | Sunday, October 22, noon – 5 p.m.
Ladies and gentlemen, let the countdown begin — if you haven’t already started counting down the days, the hours, the minutes, the seconds until Halloween, the most wonderful day of the year. At the time of this writing, it is 11 days, 9 hours, 44 minutes, and 42 … 40 … ahhhh, I can’t keep up! The seconds are slipping through my fingers like sands through the hourglass, which is exciting because that means Halloween is approaching, but it’s also daunting because that means time is fleeting and madness takes its toll. Hold on, settle down, it’s time to take a second and breathe. In and out, in and out.
Phew, now that that mind-flip is out of the way, let’s talk about the harmony and balance that can be found in Jimmy Crosthwait and Deborah Fagan Carpenter’s dual show opening this weekend. You’ll be able to see Crosthwait’s whimsical “Zen Chimes” and other mixed-media sculptural work with Fagan Carpenter’s moody paintings. The studio is at 4881 Canada Road, Lakeland, TN (Exit 20 on I-40 and 1/3-mile north of Highway 70). If you have any questions for the artists or about the show, call 901-409-5491.
photography courtesy riverartsfest
Riverside Drive
Saturday, October 21 – 22, 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.
It’s now 11 days, 8 hours, 58 minutes, 27 seconds until Halloween. I know what you’re thinking: Where the heck did you go? Surely that last paragraph didn’t take nearly an hour to write, and you’re correct. I was not writing. I was screaming into my pillow, thinking about the scariest thing of all — yes — the passing of time. Counting breaths didn’t help me; I mean, it’s like counting the passing seconds until you stop breathing. No thanks. I’ve heard a nice stroll can do the trick, though, and you know what sounds lovely? A stroll down Riverside Drive for RiverArtsFest this weekend.
Returning for its 17th year, the two-day festival will bring more than 150 artists from all over the country and from Memphis to showcase and sell their work in a variety of media. In addition to the juried artists market, festival-goers can enjoy artist demonstrations, live music, performances, activity stations, and food and drink. Tickets ($10/general admission) can be purchased here or at the festival. Read more about the RiverArtsFest here.
photography courtesy metal museum
Family Fun Day
Metal Museum
Saturday, October 21, 11 a.m. – 3 p.m.
The clock continues to count the seconds down, and all I can say is: Yikeseroni. And while it’s 11 days until Halloween, it’s only two days until the Metal Museum’s Family Fun Day, where visitors of all ages curious about the art and craft of metalwork can experience a free afternoon of interactive learning, hands-on activities, metalsmith demonstrations, free museum admission, and an iron pour. Rachel Thiewes, whose artwork is on display in the “Hued” exhibit, will give an artist talk at 4-5 p.m. (RSVP is required for the talk.)
Family Fun Day also coincides with the Repair Days, the museum’s largest annual fundraiser, where you can bring your metal items to the museum to have them restored to their former glory. All proceeds raised during Repair Days help to support the museum’s annual programming. (Learn more about Repair Days here.)
Later in the evening, you can join the Metal Museum for the Dinner + Auction, which also raises funds for the museum’s annual programming. Find out more here.
photography courtesy campfire collective
Paint and Picnic with the Overton Park Conservancy
Overton Park
Saturday, October 21, 1:45 – 4 p.m.
With October reminding us mortals of our impending doom, the Overton Park Conservancy thought it wise to bring back its NatureZen Month, a celebration of what the park and nature as a whole can do for our mental and physical health. Thank goodness, am I right? This weekend, you can join the conservancy for a gourd and pumpkin painting. Tickets ($30) can be purchased here.
Also, as part of NatureZen Month, the conservancy is giving away trees on Saturday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. All you have to do is meet in front of Rust Hall (the former Memphis College of Art), and you’ll get to choose from several species (e.g. Northern red oak, October Glory red maple, and forest pansy redbud trees) and chat with the experts about what will work for your space.
photography courtesy dixon gallery & gardens
Art on Fire
The Dixon Gallery and Gardens
Saturday, October 21, 7 p.m.
There’s nothing like an impending sense of doom to put a fire under ya — a fire to do what exactly, I’m not sure, but a fire nonetheless. The Dixon knows what we’re talking about. They’re putting all their art on fire. The end of the world is coming, so might as well watch it burn … Oh wait … I’m getting word that no artwork will be set on fire. However, the artwork is fire. We’re talking about the artwork on display and the artwork that’s on sale for the Hot Off the Wall art sale, that’s open to the public through Sunday.
The sale, of course, will also be open during the Dixon’s Art on Fire event, which will have live music, tastings from local restaurants, drinks, and a roaring bonfire. This event supports the Dixon’s art and horticulture programs. Tickets are $60 for members and $75 for nonmembers, and can be purchased here.