Here’s an idea for Memorial Day weekend: Why not skip the home grilling and leave it to the professionals?
On Sunday, Newman Farm chefs head to the country for a day of cooking in Myrtle, Missouri. The annual farm-to-table event called “Pork-Fork-Cork … and Lamb” will feature local wineries and the Newman’s heritage breeds. (Grand Champion Yazoo Delta Q used Newman Berkshire pork, btw, to win Saturday’s World Championship Barbecue Cooking Contest.)
“It’s a nice low-key day, but nobody’s going hungry, that’s for sure,” Rita Newman said. “We do this every year as a way to say thank-you to our customers.”
The day’s events will begin at 10 a.m. with a farm tour and a pot-luck lunch. A carcass cutting demonstration will be held mid-afternoon with dinner at 6 p.m. Memphis chefs Andy Ticer and Michael Hudman from Andrew Michael Italian Kitchen will orchestrate the evening cooking.
Tickets are $50 for adults, and children are free. Call (417-938-4391) or email (pork@newmanfarm.com) ahead for reservations. Newman Farm (Rt. 1 Box 141, Myrtle, MO 65778) is about a two-and-a-half-hour drive from Memphis.