The Antique Warehouse Mall on Summer Avenue is a treasure trove for kitchen cooks, especially for foodies who trend toward vintage: It’s all here: Pyrex mixing bowls, casserole dishes, lazy Susans made in America, and a double-wide in the back that sells nothing but cookbooks.
I’d forgotten about the cookbook booth until I stopped by last weekend and noticed the “50 Percent Off All Cookbooks” sign. I dove right in and found an out-of-print book I remember from my mother’s kitchen called The Complete Round the World Meat Cookbook by Myra Waldo. I snatched it up for $2.50.
The number and variety of titles in the cookbook booth are a little daunting. None of the books are
organized by topic or author, so get ready to dig. If you do, you’ll be rewarded by such gems as a 10-volume edition of Mary Margaret McBride’s Encyclopedia of Cooking (1958), a 1978 edition of The Fannie Farmer Cookbook still indexed with a homemaker’s personalized tabs, and a find that might put an end to your junking: The Only Cookbook You’ll Ever Need by Zoe Camrass.Antique Warehouse Mall, 2563 Summer Avenue (901-323-0600)