Gardening in the Mid-South without Felder Rushing seems not only impossible but incredibly boring. As quirky as he is experienced, Rushing is a much-loved columnist and lecturer who believes gardening is about bliss and whimsy. His new book, published this month, combines both attitudes under the title Slow Gardening: A No-Stress Philosophy for All Senses and Seasons.
Taking a cue from the slow food movement, Rushing encourages gardeners to ease up on themselves and the environment. In other words, slow gardening is good for you and your surroundings. This philosophy percolates through Slow Gardening like an easy spring rain. In six different chapters on such topics as psychology, landscaping, plants, and practices, Rushing offers advice, photos, and a sustainable spin for America’s favorite hobby that might make you head for the hammock instead of the hoe.
(This mini-review of Rushing's new book appears in this week's Memphis Flyer as part of the cover story, Endpapers. For more suggestions on great summer reads, click here.)