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Parks and Recreation Offices
Memphis Division of Park Services (MDPS):
576-4200 / North Zone: 2893 N. Watkins, 353-9532 / East Zone: 4585 Willow, 767-4580 / West Zone: 4376 Horn Lake, 789-5665
Bartlett Parks and Recreation: Athletics Office, 385-5599
Collierville Parks and Recreation: 457-2770 (ask for Jay Porter or Brad Heacox)
Germantown Parks and Recreation: 757-7375
Germantown Youth Athletic Association (GYAA): 754-4922
Germantown Athletic Club: 757-7370
Youth (recreational): MDPS offers recreational baseball for kids ages 5-18: T-ball (5-6), coach pitch (7-8), and youth pitch (9-18.) For more information call the MDPS Athletic Office (767-4580.) GYAA recreational baseball is divided into age groups: T-ball (5-6), coach pitch (7-8), and youth pitch (9-10, 11-12, and 13-14.) The season generally consists of 12-16 games and twice-weekly practices beginning in late February and running through mid-June. Collierville Parks and Recreation provides recreational baseball leagues for kids (ages 7-18). T-ball program is for kids in Collierville ages 5 and 6. Registration is in February. For more information call Collierville Parks and Recreation.
Youth (competitive): The Germantown Baseball Club runs competitive baseball teams in the Major division under the name Germantown Giants for ages 7 to 14 (7-year-olds play coach-pitch baseball while ages 8 and up are kid-pitch). In addition to the Germantown Giants, the organization offers AAA teams under the name Germantown Sox. Tryouts for these teams are usually held in early September. Collierville Parks and Recreation also organizes competitive baseball for boys (7-14).
Adult: Germantown Parks and Recreation manages the Germantown Adult Baseball League (GABL), open to men ages 18 & older. The league runs from May through August at Cameron Brown Park. For more information contact Kevin Weaver (757-7379).
Youth (recreational): MDPS youth recreational basketball programs are open to boys and girls 18 and under. Registration is in September and play begins in November. Call MDPS Athletic Office (767-4580). Germantown Parks and Recreation organizes leagues for boys (7-17) and girls (7-15). Collierville Parks and Recreation also offers recreational basketball for kids (7-14) and also has a high-school league organized by grade. Registration is in September.
Youth (competitive): Collierville Parks and Recreation offers competitive basketball programs for girls (12 and under and 14 and under). Four age groups are available for boys: 10 and under, 12 and under, 14 and under, and 17 and under.
Adult: The MDPS offers adult leagues for men ages 18 and older. Registration for the fall season begins the second week in August. Spring registration is in March. Contact the MDPS Athletic Office (767-4580) for more information.
The GYAA Cheer season corresponds to the GYAA Football season in the fall. Cheer divisions are by grade, not age, and are Flag (K-1st grade), Pee Wee (2nd-3rd grade), and Junior (4th, 5th and 6th grades). Collierville Parks and Recreation has cheerleading teams open to boys and girls ages 4-15.
The Memphis Hightailers Bicycle Club organizes weekly rides and social events for all levels and abilities. During summer months, rides take place on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. For more information, contact Paul Rubin (president@memphishightailers.com). Also, the League of American Bicyclists has developed classes and free seminars on bike safety (for parents of young children) and ways to improve your cycling skills, offered in the Metro Memphis Area. Contact Cliff Heegel at 763-0999 or cliff@bikememphis.com.
MDPS offers flag football for boys (10 and under and 12 and under). Registration in August, play begins in late September. Contact MDPS Athletic Office (767-4580). GYAA recreational football is for ages 5 and up. Divisions consist of Flag (5-7), Pee Wee (8-9) and Junior (10-11 plus 12-year-olds who are not 13 by Dec. 1st and are not in the 7th grade). Contact GYAA. Collierville Parks and Recreation offers football leagues in peewee and junior divisions for kids (6-11). Registration runs from June to mid-July. Contact Collierville Parks and Recreation for more information.
MDPS operates eight public courses: 18-hole courses, Audubon (4160 Park, 683-6941); Davy Crockett (4270 Range Line Rd., 358-3375); Fox Meadows (3064 Clarke Rd., 362-0232); Galloway (3815 Walnut Grove, 685-7805); Pine Hill (1005 Alice Ave., 775-9434); 9-hole courses, Overton Park (2080 Poplar Ave., 725-9905); Riverside (465 South Parkway West, 576-4296); Whitehaven (750 E. Holmes Rd., 396-1608). Contact the golf department of MDPS for more information (576-4260).
Youth — The Memphis Youth Hockey League (MYHL) is composed of three divisions for kids ages 4 to 18. Competition runs October through March.
Adult — League consists of two divisions open to ages 18 and up. For information, email MYHL President Kerry Frankland at info@memphisyouthhockey.com or go to www.memphisyouthhockey.com.
Memphis Lacrosse runs a youth program in spring, summer, and winter for kids in K-8th grade. Registration for the spring is in January, and the season runs from February to May. The summer season runs from June through July. The winter indoor league holds registration in September, and plays from October through December. Contact Ron Ansley at Stickhead Lacrosse for more information (820-0145). For kids in grades 8-12, clubs compete under Tennessee Scholastic Lacrosse Association. Fees vary; email Ron Ansley at ron@stickheadlacrosse.com
The MDPS runs a Youth Soccer League with four divisions (12 and under, 10 and under, 8 and under, 6 and under) during the spring and fall. Participants can pick up registration materials at the MDPS Athletic Office (767-4580.) The Mid-South Soccer Club runs recreational and competitive soccer programs for boys and girls. Registration for the fall recreational league is from May to August, with the season running from September through November. Registration for the spring recreational league is from late December to February, with the season running from March through May. Recreational teams are open for children ages 4 to 12 and competitive teams are open for children ages 9 to 19. There is a sign-up fee. Tryouts for the competitive league are held in May and June for ages 9 to 19. Please call the soccer office (755-6688) or go to www.midsouthfc.org for sign-up fees and more information. You can register online for the recreational league. Competitive and recreational youth soccer are organized by the Collierville Soccer Association for spring and fall leagues. Call 854-8724 or visit www.colsoc.com for more info.
Adult— The Greater Memphis Soccer Association plays regulation seasons in the fall and spring and has a seven-on-seven summer league. Games are played at the Mike Rose Soccer Complex, and 80 teams are divided into multiple men's, women's, and coed divisions. Players ages 16 and up are welcome; individual registration will take place in July. The average cost is $100 per person per season. Access the GMSA at www.memphissoccer.com or call Curt Rogers (489-0553).
Youth (recreational) — MDPS offers four divisions that compete from May to July, with registration in early spring. Girls ages 18 and under create their own teams and play in the fall and spring leagues. For fees and more information, contact the MDPS Athletic Office (767-4580.) GYAA recreational softball is for ages 5 to 18. Divisions are Fawns (5-7, coach pitch), Lassies (8-10), Juniors (11-13), and Seniors (14-18). Play is from April to July. Collierville Parks and Recreation also provides recreational softball teams for girls ages 7 through 18. Youth (competitive)—The Red Devils organization (part of GYAA) fields teams in all age divisions from 10U to 18U.
Adult—MDPS organizes approximately 300 teams that compete from April through July, followed by a citywide tournament. Games are played every night except Saturday. The fall softball league starts registration in August. The cost is $250. The season begins in September and ends with a tournament. To register or get information about organizing a team, call the MDPS Athletic Office (767-4580). Collierville Parks and Recreation has leagues for fall (July registration) and spring (February registration).
Special Olympics:
The sports program for children and adults with intellectual disabilities is run by the Greater Memphis Special Olympics organization. It offers sports training and competition in Olympic-type sports including track and field, bowling, and swimming. GMSO supports participation in local, state, national, and international competition. Contact GMSO for more info (683-1271) or visit www.specialolympicsmem.org.
Youth (ages 5-18) — Club teams swim competitively year-round and offer practices for novices through Olympic hopefuls. Fees vary. Memphis Thunder Aquatic Club, 1880 Wolf River Blvd., St. George's High School, Collierville (www.memphisthunder.org). Germantown Swim Team, 1801 Exeter Rd., Germantown Centre (757-7390) (www.gstswimming.com). Memphis Tiger Swimming, 620 Echles, University of Memphis, Contact Cheryl Schoenberger (218-6573)(www.memphistigerswimming.com). Bartlett Xtreme Swim Team (BXST), 7700 Flaherty Place, Bartlett Recreation Center (385-6470).
Adult — Memphis Thunder, Germantown Centre, Memphis Tigers, and Bartlett Xtreme offer masters practices for adults ages 18 and over year-round. Fees vary. Contact coaches for information. The MDPS (576-4200) operates several city pools, which are all free to the public. Designated pools also offer swim lessons and teams for both children and adults. Sessions are 45 minutes for 2 weeks and cost $25 per session for children and $48 per session for adults. Contact the MDPS Aquatics Administration (547-8018). MDPS pool locations: Bickford (Indoor; 235 Henry); L.E. Brown (617 S. Orleans); Douglass (1616 Ash); Ed Rice (2907 N. Watkins); Gaisman (4223 Macon); Gooch (1974 Hunter); Hickory Hill (Indoor; 3910 Ridgeway); Lester (317 Tillman); Tom Lee (328 Peach); Charlie Morris (1235 Brown); Orange Mound (Indoor; 2590 Park); Pine Hill (973 Alice); Raleigh (3678 Powers); Riverview (182 Joubert); Westwood (833 Western Park); Willow (4777 Willow); Skinner Center (for physically challenged) (712 Tanglewood).
The Memphis Public Tennis Centers are owned by the City of Memphis and managed by Tennis Memphis, a nonprofit organization, and Community Tennis Association. At the present time, three tennis centers — Leftwich (8 outdoor courts, 4 indoor at 4145 Southern Ave.), Wolbrecht (6 outdoor, 2 indoor at 1645 Ridgeway), and Eldon Roark (8 outdoor, 4 indoor at 1500 Finley) — are open to the public seven days per week and offer open court time, adult walk-in clinics, junior programming, league play, tournaments, and private lessons. Two of the centers — Frayser (8 outdoor at 2907 N. Watkins) and Raleigh (8 outdoor at 3680 Powers) — are available to the public during the operating hours of the adjacent community centers but are not staffed. For more information on the tennis centers and programs, visit the Tennis Memphis website at www.tennismemphis.org or call the office (374-0603). The Memphis Area League Tennis (MALT) Citywide adult league program offers singles, doubles, and mixed leagues for every season. There are also tennis courts at the following city parks: Bert Ferguson (8505 Trinity), Gaisman (4221 Macon), Glenview (1813 Southern), Hickory Hill (3910 Ridgeway), Martin Luther King Jr. (South Parkway at Riverside), and University (University at Edward). These courts are available during park hours, but are not staffed by Tennis Memphis or the City of Memphis Park Services. Germantown also coordinates leagues, lessons, and camps. Contact Kevin Essary, Director of Tennis (757-9901), for more information. Collierville has spring and summer programs for both youth and adults. Contact MJ Garnett (568-0472).
In the spring, MDPS serves up volleyball to 16-and-under girls and boys. Registration starts in January, with play in April. The MDPS Athletic Office (767-4580) has more information. Collierville Parks and Recreation offers fall and spring volleyball for girls in 3rd through 8th grade. Registration is in August.
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