Photograph by Brian Anderson
A Riverfront Loop trolley rumbles down the Main Street Mall.
Beale Street: Downtown, 526-0115, bealestreet.com
Children’s Museum of Memphis: 2525 Central Ave., 458-2678, cmom.com
Chucalissa Museum: 1987 Indian Village Dr., 785-3160, memphis.edu/chucalissa
Cooper-Young District: Midtown, 276-7222, cooperyoung.com
Cotton Museum at the Memphis Cotton Exchange: 65 Union Ave., 531-7826, memphiscottonmuseum.org
Davies Manor Plantation House: 9336 Davies Plantation, 386-0715, daviesmanorplantation.org
Fire Museum of Memphis: 118 Adams Ave., 320-5650, firemuseum.com
Gibson Beale Street Showcase: 145 Lt. George Lee Ave., 544-7998, gibson.com
Golf & Games Family Park: 5484 Summer Ave., 386-2992, golfandgamesmemphis.com
Graceland: 3734 Elvis Presley Blvd., 800-238-2010, elvis.com/graceland
Lichterman Nature Center: 5992 Quince Rd., 767-7322, memphismuseums.org/lichterman-overview
Memphis Botanic Garden: 750 Cherry, 576-4100, memphisbotanicgarden.com
Memphis Rock ’n’ Soul Museum: 191 Beale St., 205-2533, memphisrocknsoul.org
Memphis Zoo: 2000 Prentiss Pl., 333-6500, memphiszoo.org
Mud Island River Park: 125 N. Front St., 800-507-6507, mudisland.com
Museum of Biblical History: 140 E. Mulberry, Collierville, 854-9578, biblical-museum.org
National Civil Rights Museum: 450 Mulberry St., 521-9699, civilrightsmuseum.org
Pink Palace Museum & Sharpe Planetarium: 3050 Central Ave., 320-6320, memphismuseums.org
The Peabody: 149 Union Ave., 529-4000, peabodymemphis.com
Shelby Farms Park: 767-7275 (PARK), shelbyfarmspark.org
STAX Museum of American Soul Music: 926 E. McLemore, 946-2535, soulsvilleusa.com
Sun Studio: 706 Union Ave., 800-441-6249, sunstudio.com
W.C. Handy House Museum: 352 Beale St., 522-1556
Woodruff-Fontaine House: 680 Adams Ave., 526-1469, woodruff-fontaine.com
Birth & Death Certificate: Memphis & Shelby County Health Department, Vital Records Office, 814 Jefferson Ave., Rm. 101-103, 544-7608
Hunting & Fishing License: Tennessee Wildlife Division, 800-372-3928
Marriage License: Both parties must appear for issuance of the license. Proof of Social Security number is required. Downtown Office: 150 Washington Ave., Second Fl. East Branch Office: 1075 Mullins Station Rd., West Wing. Millington City Hall: 4836 Navy Rd. Cost: $97.50
Memphis Area Legal Services: 523-8822
Memphis Bar Association: 527-3573
Passport: Main Post Office, 555 S. Third St., 521-2575, us-passport-service-guide.com/memphis-passport.html
Voter Information: Shelby County Election Commission, 545-2600, shelbyvote.com
Building Permits & Inspection: Shelby County Office of Planning & Development, 125 N. Main St., Ste. 468, Memphis City Hall, 576-7197. Register of Deeds, 1075 Mullins Station Rd., 379-7500, register.shelby.tn.us
Property Tax: City Treasury Office, 125 N. Main St., Rm. 375, 576-7200
Property Value: Assessor Office Locations, Downtown: 160 N. Main St., Ste. 600, East: 1075 Mullins Station Rd., 379-7333
Abused Women’s Crisis Hotline: 725-4277, memphisywca.org
Alcoholics Anonymous: 726-6750, memphis-aa.org
Animal Services: 362-5310
Better Business Bureau: 759-1300, memphis.bbb.org
Child Abuse Hotline: 877-237-0004
Community Services Information: 211
Crime Stoppers: 525-5122, crimestopmem.org
Fire Services: 527-1400
Greater Memphis Chamber: 543-3500
Humane Society of Memphis & Shelby County: 937-3900, memphishumane.org
Memphis Area Safety Council: 323-0150
Memphis/Shelby County Public Library & Information Center: 415-2700, memphislibrary.org
Poison Emergency: 800-222-1222
Suicide & Crisis Hotline: 274-7477
Time & Temperature: 526-5261
Veterans Services: 545-4077
Emergency: 911
Police Non-Emergency: 545-2677 (COPS)
Fire Non-Emergency: 458-8281
Shelby County Sheriff Non-Emergency: 379-7625
Shelby County Fire Non-Emergency: 379-7070
Bus & Trolley: Memphis Area Transit Authority, 722-7100, matatransit.com
Memphis International Airport: 922-8000, mscaa.com
Train Station: Central Station, 545 S. Main St., amtrak.com
Residential Telephone: Bellsouth, bellsouth.com
Cable: Comcast, 259-2225, comcast.com
City Beautiful Commission: 664 Adams Ave., 522-1135
Memphis Light, Gas, & Water Division: 245 S. Main St., 544-6549 (MLGW), mlgw.com
Public Works Division/Solid Waste Management: 125 N. Main St., 576-6730
Driver License Service Centers: 6340 Summer Ave., 543-7920; 3040 Walnut Grove Rd., 452-7148; 5019 West Union Rd. (Millington), 872-0800
Registration & Renewal: County Clerk’s Office, 150 Washington Ave., 545-4244, tennesseeanytime.org
Traffic Fines: City Court Clerk’s Office, Traffic Violations Bureau, 201 Poplar LL-80, 636-3400, epayments.cityofmemphis.org
Vehicle Inspection Stations: 590 Washington Ave., 528-2904; 855 N. White Station Rd.; 1720 RKS Commercial Cove (Lamar); 2355 Appling City Cove, 636-2947
To view current traffic at a station, see Motor Vehicle Inspection Bureau webcams at: cityofmemphis.org/mvib/webcam.htm