The entry deadline for our annual short story contest, now in its 22nd year, has been extended to August 15th. Entries should be postmarked on or before that date.
Other than the deadline extension, rules remain the same: Authors must live within 150 miles of Memphis You may submit as many stories as you like, but each must be accompanied by a $10 entry fee (check or money order) payable to Memphis. Please include a cover letter that gives us your name, address, phone number/email address, and the title of your story. Please do NOT put your name anywhere on the manuscript itself. Manuscripts may be previously published as long as they did not appear in a national magazine with over 20,000 circulation or in a regional publication within Shelby County. Authors wishing their manuscripts returned must include a self-addressed stamped envelope with each entry.
We do NOT accept faxed or emailed entries. Instead, send your stories to FICTION CONTEST, c/o Memphis magazine, P. O. Box 1738, Memphis, TN 38101, or bring them to 460 Tennessee Street. Winners will be notified by late September or early October, and the winning story will appear in our June 2012 culture issue.
As always, we thank our contest cosponsors — Burke's Book Store and the Booksellers at Laurelwood — for their ongoing support.
To read the 2008 Fiction Contest winner, "Tim Bui Blues," by Jackson McKenzie, click here.
To read the 2009 Fiction Contest winner, "Just Now," by Ellen Morris Prewitt, click here.
To read the 2010 Fiction Contest winner, "Sea Change," by Richard Alley, click here.
Good luck!