What's it Gonna Take? Readers sound off.
My wife read your editor's letter in the March issue about your new home and she laughed and laughed. We had some of those memories of our first home. Your April letter, however, about the corruption in this city was no laughing matter.
Living in the D.C. area for about nine years led me to decide that the only way to "fix" corrupt politics was to change the system from the inside, so I decided to explore how to run for office. After two years of constant studying and research, I found that it was simply beyond me. I feel that my belief system would just not be supported by enough of the political establishment to ever be heard by anyone. What was disheartening was that I believe the masses really want change and that most people are good, honest, and hardworking.
When my wife told me last May we were expecting our first child, we decided we wanted to move somewhere that was more in line with the family values we cherish.
After a month, it became painfully aware that the political situation here was probably even worse than D.C. — and that no one really feels that anything can be done to throw these crooks out of power.
But it can be fixed. What's it gonna take? It's going to take people like you writing about it. It's going to take the rest of us who are concerned to finally find a way to stand up and say, "Let's get this done . . . together."
I want my kids to grow up here. I want my business to thrive here. I want to be able to buy a place in downtown Memphis for investment without worrying about the political climate wiping out any gain I can be fortunate enough to acquire. But mostly, I just want leaders who are like the true majority — good, honest, and hardworking.
~ Joe Delisi
I very much enjoyed your editor's letter [What's It Gonna Take?]. Citizens, energized by excellent journalists holding our officials accountable, seems like a good combination.
Keep up the great work.
~ James H. Beaty, M.D.
Chief of Staff, Campbell Clinic, Memphis
Sara Hall for Mayor?
What an outstanding job Marilyn Sadler did on the Sara Hall story! [April] Wouldn't it be great if Sara was running this city? I would bet she could give Herenton, Chumney, and all the rest of the field a real run for the money if she wanted to be the mayor. She would certainly get my vote.
~ Jeff Haney
The current issue of Memphis was impossible to put down — each story more compelling than the one before. Thanks to you and your team for capturing the positive aspects of our city.
~ Pat Kerr Tigrett