Born and raised in Little Rock, Arkansas, Heather pursued modeling as a career after attending the University of Arkansas for two years. She always felt the need to broaden her horizons and travel, and modeling has allowed her to do so. She has appeared in magazines such as Cosmo Girl, Self, Elle, Allure, and Brides , and has done runway shows for Gen Art, Kai Miller, and Alberta Ferretti. She lives in New York City, and is signed with Ford Model Management, MC2 Miami, Colors, and The Agency out of Little Rock. This is her first time to work with Memphis , and one day soon, she hopes to become a writer herself.
Director/photographer Sean Bloemer creates commercials, music videos, and print campaigns for a variety of local and national clients. This is his third time shooting and directing a fashion shoot for Memphis . His editorial photography has been featured in NWA World Traveler , Living Arts , and Memphis . To see more of his work, visit his website at seanbloemer.com
Fashion stylist Alicia George has numerous magazine editorials, television commercials, music videos, short and feature-length films, fashion photo shoots, and advertisements under her belt. This is her fourth year working on Memphis ' fashion feature, and we hope not her last. Along with these commercial projects, Alicia enjoys styling private clients, and the editor of this magazine wishes Alicia would move in with her — and make her look as close to a model as makeup tricks will allow — every day before she leaves the house.
"City Journal" columnist Tom Jones' "day job" is at Smart City Consulting, a strategic communications and marketing firm with an urban policy focus that produces the Smart City syndicated radio program. He writes the Smart City Memphis blog smartcitymemphis.blogspot.com.
Senior editor Marilyn Sadler interviewed veterans and their caregivers to learn more about traumatic brain injuries — an affliction suffered by a growing number of service people returning from the war in Iraq. In addition to other health-related articles, she has also covered high-profile murders, juvenile crime, identity theft, and death row inmates, along with decidedly happier topics such as gorgeous gardens and glitzy homes.