James Cox
James Cox grew up in Middle Tennessee, but begged his parents to move to Memphis after a family vacation to the zoo when he was 8 years old. They didn't. James finally moved to Memphis in 2004. A graduate of University of Tennessee-Martin, he works for a commercial real estate company. He enjoys writing, working with Victorian Village Inc., and volunteering as co-editor of Triangle Journal .
Tom Martin
Award-winning designer and illustrator Tom Martin runs tommartindesign.com and tommartinillustration.com. Staying busy with new jobs for Urban Outfitters, Elvis Presley Enterprises, and other great clients, Tom barely finds time to play with his not-so-serious band and potentially too-serious men's soccer team.
Rick Bostick
Rick Bostick has photographed architectural images in Memphis for almost four years. He graduated at the top of his class from the Art Institute in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and received awards for the best portfolio in both photography and commercial art. In addition to taking pictures, Rick produces custom backgrounds for photography, video, and television studios, and architectural accents for residential and commercial buildings.
Preston Lauterbach
Preston Lauterbach grew up an only child, and is therefore accustomed to arguing with himself. "It's like being self-employed," he explains. "The help stinks and the boss is a jerk, depending on whom you ask." He's quick to add, however, that there are no losers in a debate about the Memphis sounds of Stax and Sun Records. Except, of course, for the people who don't listen.
Sandi Butler Hughes
Sandi Butler Hughes is a lifelong Memphian with deep roots. "I'm blooming where I'm planted," she says. "My husband and I live in the house where I grew up, raising our kids and spending many hours gardening and tending plants that belonged to my mother and grandmother." Hughes is a partner in The Huntington Group and At Work Medical. This is her first appearance in Memphis magazine.