7 -- Meaning of the Latin word "septem"; September was the seventh month of the Roman calendar until 153 BC
1887 -- The first year that Labor Day was recognized as a federal holiday
81 -- Age B.B. King will turn this year on September 16th
71 -- Age Jerry Lee Lewis will turn this year on September 29th
65 -- Age the late Otis Redding would have turned this year on September 9th
150 -- Number of years the Mid-South Fair has been going on
35 -- Number of food vendors at the Fair
760 -- Number of calories in a funnel cake
40,000 -- U.S. schools that no longer have recess
$59 -- Cost of a high-school class ring (with plain stone in "white lustrium")
$29,112 -- Annual cost of tuition (2006-2007) at Rhodes College
$5,048 -- Annual cost of tuition at the U of M
12 -- Regular-season games on the 2006 U of M football schedule
48.5% -- Graduation rate for Memphis City Schools students
51.2% -- Dropout rate for Memphis City Schools students