75 — Percent of women in our office surveyed who would, in fact, choose a candy bar over a daisy
400 — Years for the Gregorian calendar to repeat itself
97 — Leap days (February 29th) in that 400-year cycle
40 — Age of Lisa Marie Presley as of February 1st
58 — Age of Cybill Shepherd as of February 18th
25 — The percentage of the total number of greeting cards sent each year that Valentine's Day accounts for, according to the Greeting Card Association
1976 — First year that Black History Month was celebrated in the U.S.
1,000,000,000 — Estimated number of Valentine's Day cards sent worldwide,
according to the Greeting Card Association
85 — Percent of Valentine's cards and gifts purchased by women, according to the GCA
1912 — Year that Whitman's launched its "Sampler" box of chocolates, still one of the world's most popular gifts
1872 — Year that Memphis celebrated its first Mardi Gras. The event faded away here in the 1890s.