79 — Age the late Martin Luther King Jr. would have turned on January 15th
27 — Age Justin Timberlake turns on January 31st
45.5 — Percent of total food dollars spent dining out in households headed by people under age 25, the highest of any age group, according to restaurant.org
70 — Percent of the China Doll company's black-eyed pea sales that occur near the end of December, coinciding with the Southern tradition of eating them for good luck on New Year's Day
1983 — Year of the first Memphis magazine restaurant poll
80 — Percent of Memphis subscribers who dined out as a result of reading this magazine, according to the 2007 Mediamark Research Study
1 — Number of people to get a free $19.99, four-pound Sasquatch burger from Big Foot Lodge for finishing it in an hour or less
11 minutes, 5 seconds — Time it took competitive eater Patrick Bertoletti to eat the monstrous burger during his visit
66 — Number of hot dogs eaten by winner Joey Chestnut in 12 minutes at Nathan's Famous Fourth of July International Hot Dog Eating Contest last year, beating out six-time winner Takeru Kobayashi, who only managed to finish 63
8.31 — Weight, in pounds, of Armour Vienna Sausages eaten by winner Sonya Thomas in 10 minutes at a 2005 competition
98 — Weight, in pounds, of Sonya Thomas