1924 — Year the annual Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade began
44 — Number, in millions, of people who watch the event on TV
30 — Days spectator Kathleen Caronna remained in a coma after being injured by falling debris caused by high winds at the 1997 parade
$51,300 — Average salary of a fashion designer in 2002 (according to FashionSchools.com)
55 — Average number of hours a fashion designer works each week (according to the Princeton Review)
11th — Date on which Veteran's Day is celebrated each year
1969 — Last year that Elvis Presley made a number-one hit, with "Suspicious Minds" (which reached number-one on the Billboard charts on November 1st)
1904 — Year construction began (in November) on our city's East, North, and South Parkway system 1944 — Booker T. Jones (of Booker T. and the MGs fame) was born on November 12th.
1941 — Donald "Duck" Dunn, bass player of the same band, was born, on November 24th. 1956 — Elvis Presley's first film, Love Me Tender, premiered on November 15th. 1916 — Shelby Foote, America's pre-eminent historian, was born on November 17th.