We don't often toot our own horn — but humor us a bit.
At a banquet held on May 2nd in Chicago, winners of the 2011 City and Regional Magazine Awards were announced. We're proud to report that Memphis magazine, for the third time in four years, won the coveted General Excellence award in our circulation category.
More than 85 judges — representing such publications as Atlantic Monthly, Esquire, The New York Times, Bon Appetit, and National Geographic Magazine, to name just a few, along with journalism professors from the University of Missouri School of Journalism — selected the winners. We submitted three issues from 2010 (including November, the cover of which is shown here) to represent the best of our work.
An excerpt from the judges comments explains why we earned the top honor in our circulation category. "Memphis magazine captures lives in a city with a reputation as dangerous, ugly and unhealthy . . . . The impressive balance of features and departments reflects some of that persona, all while emphasizing the many positive aspects of the city. The art and design complement the editorial content nicely. Like a mirror, the whole provides a truthful reflection of an energetic urban area on the mend."
In the Ancillary Publication category, our sister publication, Memphis Business Quarterly, was nominated as a finalist. Judges praised its articles for conveying authority "without being staid or boring. Business basics such as financial planning, networking and outsourcing are balanced with surprising profiles of a watchmaker and a meat processor . . . ."
We're proud of this recognition, and for landing in the ranks of such stellar publications as Texas Monthly and Portland Monthly, which earned first place General Excellence awards in their circulation categories.
And we thank you, our readers and advertisers, for your ongoing support. We'll continue to bring you our best.