photo courtesy Bonnie Daws Kourvelas
My history-buff pal Bonnie Daws Kourvelas, who has been mentioned here before, is stumped. And so am I.
And considering that, between the two of us, we generate enough brainpower to light a small city the size of, oh, Forrest City, Arkansas, that doesn't happen very often.
But looking through some old family scrapbooks, she turned up this photo of a dinner gathering, and neither she nor I can determine the location.
The most obvious clue is the rather bizarre — if not downright appetite-killing — mural painted on the wall, showing some husky naked creature holding a large mug or beer stein, with his "naughty bits" covered by a fig leaf. Unfortunately, his head has been cropped off in the photo. Well, come to think of it, maybe that's a good thing.
Note also the large brass(?) urn in the window, topped with what appears to be a tiny bird. And are those open bottles of olive oil on the table?
So: Does anybody remember this place?
And if you do, don't just tell me the name. Tell me the significance of the unusual decor, please. And if you recognize any or all of the people in the photo, you might as well tell me their names. Don't just sit there.