In a recent issue of Memphis magazine, I talked about the old "keeping vault" at Forest Hill Cemetery, and also mentioned the lovely chapel that originally stood at the western entrance to the cemetery — before the expressway cut through that side of the property and made them turn everything around.
You can — and probably should — read all about that here, or really there's no point in going on with this.
Okay, are you back? Now, sit down and try to focus. Put the phone down.
What I wanted to show you here doesn't look like much, at first, but this stump of stones (above) marks the original entrance pillar to Forest Hill. I presume there was another one on the other side of the road, though it's really hard to tell that it was a road. Mostly dirt now.
And not too far away, all overgrown and weedy, you can still see the stone foundations (below) of the nice old chapel that stood by the entrance. I could show you a picture of the chapel here, but you should have noticed that when you went back and read that original story. You can do that again here, if you wish.
I think that's quite enough about Forest Hill for this week, don't you?