I appreciate all the letters of concern, but wanted to reassure my half-dozen readers that the Lauderdale Mansion, Lauderdale Library, and Lauderdale Sn0-Cone Parlor are — for now — safe from the rising flood waters.
As you can see from this exclusive photo taken from the Memphis Flyer's "Fly-Witness News" helicopter, the sprawling Mansion — perched high atop Mt. Moriah — is well out of reach of the murky waters that have swallowed the neighborhoods surrounding it.
I feel somewhat (but not entirely) bad for my neighbors, who clamored at the gates all night long, hoping to find refuge inside my estate, but what was I supposed to do? They are not Lauderdales, and never will be.
And as for the poor little children at the orphanage just down the street, the tedious task of filling sandbags from dawn to dark will harden them for the struggles they will surely face later in life, so every cloud does have a silver lining.