Photo by Flickr user Ian Livesey
Fiction contest
The Memphis magazine Fiction Contest deadline has been extended to February 15.
Finish up your masterpiece now and submit it for a chance to earn a $1,000 grand prize and publication in a future issue of Memphis.
To enter, please follow these guidelines and take note, there are a few changes from previous years.
- Authors must live within 150 miles of Memphis.
- Entries must be postmarked by February 15, 2017.
- You may submit more than one story, but each entry must be accompanied by a $20 entry fee (please note that the fee has been raised since last year). Make check or money order payable to Memphis magazine.
- Each story should be typed, double-spaced, with unstapled, numbered pages, and be between 2,500 and 3,500 words.
- Stories are not required to have a Memphis or Southern theme.
- With each story should be a cover letter that gives your name, address, phone number, and the title of your story. Please do NOT put your name anywhere on the manuscript itself.
- Manuscripts may be previously published as long as publication was not in a national magazine with circulation over 20,000, or in a regional publication within Shelby County.
- Manuscripts should be sent to FICTION CONTEST, c/o Memphis magazine, P.O. Box 1738, Memphis, TN 38101. We cannot accept faxes or emails. Authors wishing their manuscripts returned must include a self-addressed stamped envelope with each entry.
If you have further questions, email contest coordinator Richard Alley (
Memphis magazine Short Fiction Contest
- Entry fee: $20
- Length: 2,500-3,500 words
- Deadline: February 15, 2017
The Memphis magazine Short Fiction Contest is graciously sponsored by Burke’s Book Store. We thank them for their support.