It's been a while since we've presented an edition of our Memphis Craigslist Shopping Guide, and we thought it was about time to show you a few of the treasures you may be missing out on. We've saved you some time scrolling through pages and pages of worthless junk and picked out five items (worthless junk?) for your shopping pleasure.
Don't you just hate it when you need a pile of worms and digging in your own backyard only turns up one or two? Fret no more. For just $25, you can get a whole pound of worms (which, per the poster, is around 1,000 worms!). Talk about getting your money's worth.
Now, $1,500 may seem like a lot of money for an outdated ride. But just look at this beauty! You could be the talk of the town sporting these antique wheels through the city. "All original, in good condition. Seats re-upholstered. New shaves." Can't beat it.
3. 5,000 basketball cards - $35
Remember that time you paid $35 for just one basketball card? Well, neither do I. But when's the last time you could get 5,000 of anything for just one low price of $35? Are there valuable treasures within? Probably not. But hey, there are 5,000 of them! Worth it.
Photo by Flickr user Ed Ivanushkin
4. Lots of 750ml Bacardi bottles (free)
Maybe you don't have time to drink "lots" of bottles of Bacardi White Rum, but you really could use the empty bottles for arts and crafts or something. Look no further! All of the hard work and liver bashing has been done for you. In case you didn't know, "750 ml is commonly known as half gal." These beauties are "free to whoever will come get them."
This might be my favorite. Someone has taken the time to save and store 27 egg cartons, just for you. And here I've been throwing mine right into the recycle bin when I've scrambled my last egg. This person had the forethought to stash them away (and how long does it take to go through this many eggs?). For the low, low price of just $5, all 27 of these assorted cardboard and plastic cartons could be yours. Literally one man's trash... Don't miss out on this sweet deal.