From "The Artwork of Memphis"
Ashlar Hall has been in the news lately, as everyone is trying to decide what to do with the stone castle at Lamar and Central. Various groups have come forward with various options, and unfortunately one of them includes demolition of the property, if it is deemed too expensive to repair and restore.
The magnificent building, once a private residence that rivals anything owned by the Lauderdales, has certainly had its odd share of tenants over the years, serving as home to a Conestoga Steak House, one of the Grisanti restaurants, and most recently as a nightclub for Robert “Prince Mongo” Hodges.
It still looks great, but is beginning to show its age. But look how beautiful it was in 1912, when it appeared in a nine-volume series called The Artwork of Memphis, published by the Gravure Illustration Company of Chicago.
Thanks to Lee Askew for letting me scan images from his books.